About us

Through our tours, we aim to create moments of inner strength and renewed energy as you discover and learn ultimate recharging through immersive nature activities. It’s about being present, disconnecting to reconnect.

Read more about our values

Our Guides

Beyond their expertise in wilderness and nature activities, our guides bring an extra dimension of compassion and rejuvenation to our tours. They’re not just knowledgeable; they’re also wonderful individuals who ensure you return to everyday life with new tools, knowledge and mindset so you can carry out your own peak charging trips.

Meet the guides


Our wilderness camps are situated on various tents in the middle of an inland lake, offering a unique experience of solitude and connection with nature. Imagine waking up on your own island, surrounded by the serene beauty of the wilderness and embraced by majestic mountains. This idyllic location, known as ´Storøya´, promises a escape into the heart of nature.

About the wilderness camp

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